Sample Portfolio Pages

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HTML Project: 6


In this project you will work with three sample portfolio pages. You can display finished versions of these pages by clicking the images below.

Project Portfolios  

Project Portfolios  

Project Portfolios  


Create the project folders

Download the three HTML files

Download the three CSS files

Download the image files

Customise your selected portfolio version

Update the meta tags

Review the Font Awesome 4 icon stylesheet

Update the Google Analytics tracking code

Update your contact details in the footer

Adding the privacy pop-up code and message

Validate your HTML file

Validate your CSS file

Upload your project to GitHub

Create the project folders

Your first step is to create on your computer folders that will store the HTML files, CSS files, and image files needed for this project.

  1. If a folder named websites does not already exist on your computer, create it now.
  2. Inside the websites folder, create the following sub-folder:  C:\websites\portfolio
  3. Inside the portfolio sub-folder, create the following sub-sub-folders:  C:\websites\portfolio\assets
    Powerpoint Project

Download the three HTML files

Follow these steps to download the three HTML files to the portfolio folder you have created.

  1. Go to the first HTML file at this web address:  
  2. Right-click anywhere on the page (except on an image) and choose View page source (Chrome or Mozilla Firefox).
  3. Right-click on the displayed text and choose Save as… (Chrome) or Save Page As… (Mozilla Firefox).Project portfolio
  4. In the File name: box, change the name of the file to index-1.html. Project portfolio
  5. In the Save as type: dropdown list, change from the default value Webpage, Complete to Web Page, HTML Only. Project portfolio
  6. Save the file as index-1.html file in your C:\websites\portfolio folder.
  7. Repeat these steps for the following two other HTML files: 

You should now have three HTML files saved in your C:\websites\portfolio folder.

Project portfolio

Download the three CSS files

You will now download the three CSS files to the C:\websites\portfolio\assets\css sub-folder.

  1. In your web browser, open the first CSS file at this web address: 
  2. Right-click on the displayed CSS file and choose Save as… (Chrome) or Save Page As… (Mozilla Firefox). Project portfolio 
  3. Save the portfolio-1.css file in your C:\websites\portfolio\assets\css folder.
  4. Repeat these steps for the following two other CSS files: 

You should now have three CSS files saved in your C:\websites\portfolio\assets\css sub-folder.

Project portfolio

Download the image files

Follow these steps to download the various image files to the C:\websites\portfolio\assets\img sub-folder.

Customise your selected portfolio version

Review the three versions of the sample portfolio files in your web browser. On a Windows PC, the three files should be at the following locations:


Which one of the three sample portfolio versions is closest to the one you would like for your own website?

Follow the steps below to customise it according to your requirements.

  1. In your text editor, open your favourite one of these three HTML files:  index-1.html
  2. For the HTML file you have selected and opened, save it with this new name:  index.html  Project Portfolio
  3. Open the corresponding stylesheet for the selected HTML in the assets/css sub-folder, and save it with this new name:  portfolio.css
  4. In the <head> section of the index.html file, link this file to the stylesheet named portfolio.css. Project Portfolio
  5. Also in the <head> section, you can remove the 'note' style. Project Portfolio
  6. Neat the top of the <body> section, you can remove the text that includes links to alternative versions of the portfolio webpage. Project Portfolio
  7. You can now work with the portfolio.html and portoflio.css files without affecting the sample files you have downloaded.
  8. Make any changes you require to the text and images in the index.html file, and to the styles in the portfolio.css stylesheet file. Save both files when finished.

You can ignore the three HTML and three CSS files you downloaded.

Update the meta tags

In the <head> of your index.html web page, within the <title> and <author> meta tags, you can see the name 'Mary Smith.'

Replace this with your own name, and save the HTML file.

Project Portfolio

Review the Font Awesome 4 icon stylesheet

In the <head> of your privacy.html web page, under the link to the privacy.css stylesheet, is the link to another stylesheet: the CSS file for the Font Awesome icon collection. You need not make any changes to this.

Project Privacy

This CSS file is required to create the icons in the footer of the privacy.html web page.

You can see a full list of Font Awesome icons at the web address below:

You can find some guidance on using Font Awesome icons below:

As with any Google Fonts you may use in your web pages, the Font Awesome icons will display on your computer only when you are connected to the Internet.

Update the Google Analytics ID

Near the top of your HTML file, just before the closing </head> tag, you can see a sample Google Analytics Tracking Code.

Project Privacy

Each Google Tracking Code has a unique ID in its first and last line. Replace the sample Google Tracking ID with your own Google Tracking ID. The instructions for viewing your website’s unique Google Tracking ID are here.

When finished, save the index.html file.

Adding the privacy pop-up code and message

Your need to add the ‘pop-up‘ privacy code and message to your web page. You can find the instructions for generating this code here.

Near the end of this code is the sample web address of

Change this to the web address of the privacy page on your own website.

Uploading your project to GitHub

The final step is to upload your project to GitHub.

All the files for this project are in a sub-folder named portfolio of your websites folder. So you will need to upload this portfolio sub-folder, which contains both files and other sub-folders, to your account on GitHub.

However, GitHub will not allow you to upload only a folder (such as portfolio) from your computer.

For this reason, you need to upload a file along with your portfolio folder. It can be any file. Follow these steps.

  1. Sign in to your account at Upload to GitHub
  2. On your GitHub home page, click the name of the repository that holds your web pages. Its name will look as follows, where username is your chosen username on GitHub.   GitHub Upload
  3. On the next screen displayed, near the centre of the screen, click the Upload files button. Project Animation Google Fonts
  4. On your computer, display your websites folder. You should see that it contains the sub-folder named portfolio.
    • On a Windows computer, click on the portfolio folder to select it.   Next, press and hold down the CTRL key, and then click on any file in your websites folder to select it.
    • On an Apple Mac, press and hold down the COMMAND key, and then click on the portfolio folder and any file in your websites folder.
  5. Drag-and-drop the portfolio folder and whatever file you have selected to upload them to your GitHub account. In the example below, the file selected along with the portfolio folder is named base-0.html. Project Animation Google Fonts You do not need to select this particular file. You can use any file. But you cannot upload the portfolio folder (or any other folder) on its own.
  6. After uploading the portfolio folder and your selected file, scroll down to the bottom of the GitHub screen, enter a short message in the Commit changes box, click the Commit changes button, and wait for the upload to complete. Project Setup
  7. Your main repository screen should now contain a folder named portfolio. Click on this folder. Project Animation Google Fonts
  8. The portfolio folder should contain four HTML files and the assets sub-folder. Project Setup
  9. Click on the assets sub-folder to view its contents. You should see that it contains the two sub-folders named css and img. GitHub upload files
  10. Within the assets sub-folder, click on the css sub-folder. Check that it contains the four stylesheet files. GitHub upload files
  11. Within the assets sub-folder, click on the img sub-folder. Check that it contains all the image files. GitHub upload files

Your web page will display correctly online only when:

Your web page is now published on GitHub at a web address similar to the following, where username is the username you have chosen for your GitHub account:

or, simply:

It may take a few minutes for your uploaded files to appear on GitHub.

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