List of projects

Below you can view a list of all the projects you have worked with.

Snazzy Fashion

A web page for a fashion retailer with a background video, multiple sections and Font Awesome icons.

Fashion Project

Smooth Smoothies

A web page for a smoothie outlet with on-load animations and images with transparent backgrounds.

Smoothies Project

Crypto Wallet

A dark-themed responsive web page website for a fictitious crypto wallet.

Crypto Wallet

Hero block gallery

A gallery of hero blocks.

Crypto Wallet

Multi-column gallery

A gallery of responsive, multi-column layouts.

Crypto Wallet

Book Store

You create an online book store with affiliate links to the Amazon website.

Book Store

Portfolio website

You create a Home, Privacy, Portfolio and Contact pages with a siggle stylesheet. You also add code for Google Analytics, a cookie consent message, the contact form, and a sitemap.xml file.

Crypto Wallet

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