Practical functions

Creating useful JavaScript functions for everyday tasks like string manipulation, number validation, and financial calculations.

Learning Goals

At the end of this Tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Create functions to validate and manipulate text strings
  • Test strings for length, position, and specific characters
  • Verifying a variable contains a valid number.
  • Rounding numbers and calculating percentages.
  • Working with currency amounts.

Continue using the functions.html workfile you downloaded in the Function Declarations Tutorial.

📄  Functions: Exercises

Working with strings

In JavaScript, you often need to work with text strings. The following functions help with common string operations.

Checking for a character

Copy the following code to your practical-functions.html workfile.

// Function to check if a string contains a specific word
function containsWord(text, searchWord) {
    // Convert both strings to lowercase for case-insensitive search
    return text.toLowerCase().includes(searchWord.toLowerCase());
// Test the function
let testText = "Hello World";
if (containsWord(testText, "world")) {
    console.log("Found the word!");

Note the following:

  • The statement begins with a function declaration.
  • The text string and search word are passed as parameters.
  • The function returns true or false.

Character counting

Let's try another example. Copy this code to your workfile.

// Function to count occurrences of a character
function countCharacter(text, char) {
    return text.split(char).length - 1;
// Test the function
console.log(countCharacter("", "@")); // Outputs: 1
console.log(countCharacter("javascript", "a")); // Outputs: 2

String length and position

It is good practice to validate string lengths before processing them.

Copy this code to your workfile:

// Function to check string length is within range
function isValidLength(text, minLength, maxLength) {
    const length = text.trim().length;
    return length >= minLength && length <= maxLength;
// Test the function
let userName = "Jo";  // Too short
if (!isValidLength(userName, 3, 20)) {
    console.log("Username must be between 3 and 20 characters");

The function above helps you:

  • Remove whitespace from both ends of the string
  • Check if the remaining text is within allowed length
  • Return true or false

Working with numbers

Before performing operations, it's important to verify the data types of your values.

Data Type



Text within quotes, such as "Hello, World".


A number without surrounding quotes, such as 12 or 9.99.


Only two possible values: either true or false.


A data type that intentionally has no value.

Verifying a variable is a valid number

Copy this type checking function to your workfile:

// Function to check if value can be used in calculations
function isValidNumber(value) {
    const num = Number(value);
    return !isNaN(num) && isFinite(num);
// Test the function
console.log(isValidNumber("123")); // true
console.log(isValidNumber("abc")); // false
console.log(isValidNumber("12.34")); // true

Rounding numbers

Here's a function for precise decimal rounding. Add this to your workfile:

// Function to round to 2 decimal places
function roundMoney(amount) {
    return Math.round(amount * 100) / 100;
// Test the function
console.log(roundMoney(10.567)); // Outputs: 10.57
console.log(roundMoney(10.564)); // Outputs: 10.56

Percentage calculations

Copy this percentage calculation function to your workfile:

// Function to calculate percentage
function calculatePercentage(amount, percentage) {
    if (!isValidNumber(amount) || !isValidNumber(percentage)) {
        return "Error: Invalid numbers";
    return roundMoney((Number(amount) * Number(percentage)) / 100);
// Test the function
console.log(calculatePercentage(100, 15)); // Outputs: 15.00
console.log(calculatePercentage("100", "15.5")); // Outputs: 15.50

Currencies and financial calculations

When working with money values, precision and proper formatting are essential.

Copy this currency formatting function to your workfile:

// Function to format number as currency
function formatCurrency(amount, currency = 'USD') {
    const currencies = {
        'USD': { symbol: '$', locale: 'en-US' },
        'EUR': { symbol: '€', locale: 'de-DE' }
    const { locale } = currencies[currency] || currencies['USD'];
    return new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, {
        style: 'currency',
        currency: currency
// Test the function
console.log(formatCurrency(123.456, 'USD')); // Outputs: "$123.46"
console.log(formatCurrency(123.456, 'EUR')); // Outputs: "123,46 €"

Note the following:

  • The function accepts an amount and optional currency type
  • It uses the browser's built-in number formatting
  • Numbers are automatically rounded to two decimal places
  • Currency symbols are properly positioned based on locale

Further Resources